About the Cloud Server API We provide an API (Application Programming Interface) for customers who need to control their Bytemark services automatically. You can use...
Virtual Machines These calls allow management of virtual machines (also known as Cloud severs). The rules for what can be changed on a...
Virtual Machine: Create To reduce HTTP calls, a transactional version of POST virtual_machines, POST discsand POST reimage are provided in a single call: Endpoint Relative to https://uk0.bigv.io POST...
Virtual Machine: Reimage The reimage endpoint allows a virtual machine to be re-installed from a clean operating system image and returned to the...
Virtual Machine: Signal The signal endpoint can be used to send signals to the machine (e.g., shutdown or key presses). Signal requests can...
Discs Each virtual machine can have up to 8 discs attached — the discs API allows you to add, remove, expand and delete...
IP Addresses The IPs endpoint allows management of the Reverse DNS entries for the IP addresses allocated to any virtual machines, and deletion...
Network Interface Cards (NICs) The NICs interface will allow you to configure the network interfaces on your virtual machine, but at present it is...
Accounts This guide was written to help you to access accounts using the Bytemark Cloud Server API. Your Bytemark account contains...
Groups Groups are a named collection of virtual machines. Each group maps to a given set of IP addresses. If you contact...
Privileges Privileges allow you to map users to accounts, groups or even individual virtual machines. This API allows you to allocate fine-grained access control to new users....
Definitions This article is written for use with the Bytemark Cloud Server API. One API call can provide you with updates...
Users Every Bytemark customer should have a username, and only one username. If you need to create new users for an...